Terms of Use for RIKEN Power Digital User's Manual
The user's manual of RIKEN Hydraulic Power is available on web site.
Proceed to user's manual page after clicking on ‘agree “the condition of Riken Hydraulic Power's Digital catalogue /Use's manual”.
The condition of Riken Hydraulic Power's Digital catalogue/Use's manual
- Any and right, including copyrights to Digital User’s Manuals provided by this service, shall be reserved to RIKEN KIKI CO., LTD (the “ Company”). Reproduction, alteration, or transmission of all or any part of Digital User’s Manuals will constitute an infringement of copyrights, provided that user’s are permitted to reproduce or print Digital User’s Manuals for their personal, non-commercial, and informational use only.
- The content of Digital User’s Manuals may be changed at any time without notice to Users as the specifications for products are changed. Accordingly, Users advised that the contents of the Digital User’s Manuals provided by this service may differ from those included with the purchased products or those included with the products on sale.
- Users are advised that “ Caution”, “Warning” contained in the Digital User’s Manuals are consistent with legal and industry standards as of the date of the production of the Digital User’s Manual and may not reflect subsequent changes of such standards.
- Users are advised that the Digital User’s Manuals is not intended to provide User’s Manuals for all products sold by the Company and, therefore, User’s Manuals for certain products may not be available.
- The Company shall not be liable for any direct, special, indirect or consequential damages or any other damages of any kind which is or will be incurred by users resulting from the use of the Digital User’s Manual (Including damages resulting from destruction of data, suspension of business operations, loss of business information and demands for indemnification for damages from third party).
- Please note, there is a case we may close the web site without the notice or change the contents and conditions.